
Information campaign „Fii la tine-n țară la fel ca afară!”

In 2020, Romanians are encouraged to „be in your country as well as abroad" and to hand over electric and electronic waste responsibly.

ECOTIC, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests, launched on January 14, 2020 the national information campaign " Fii la tine-n țară la fel ca afară " in order to contribute to the awareness of the Romanian public about the correct behavior towards a particular type of waste: WEEE - waste of electric and electronic equipment. The campaign, which will last three months, will include a video and will be promoted on traditional media, TV, YouTube and social media.

Starting January 14th, we invite Romanian citizens to visit our campaign page, to view the video and learn more about the campaign.

Romania, as a member of the European Union, has the obligation to reach a target of 45% collection of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), following that from 2021 this target will increase to 65% of the equipment placed on the market or 85% of WEEE generated.

ECOTIC study "Quantification of waste electrical and electronic equipment generated in Romania, comparative situation 2019 vs. 2015" shows that in Romania 5.5 kg of WEEE per capita are generated, on average, per year. Of these, only 3 kg are collected properly at stores, collection points or campaigns and will reach the flow of treatment and recycling. 2.5 kg reach the landfill or scrap, thus leading to serious and irreversible environmental pollution.

„The collection and recycling of electric and electronic equipment, beyond the environmental aspects, is our guarantee that the resources contained - whether we are talking about metals, plastic or glass - will be reused. Romania can no longer afford to support our current consumption model. This is true, in fact, for the entire Planet, because the irrational exploitation of resources is a global problem. Our country needs to catch up with the rest of Europe and we have to do it at an accelerated pace, because the European Green Deal is nothing more than a new emphasis on our need to care for nature and people”, said Costel Alexe, Minister of Environment, Water and Forests.

The collection and recycling of electric and electronic waste is very important from a double perspective: on the one hand, many of the WEEE contain extremely toxic and environmentally hazardous substances, and on the other hand, WEEE has one of the most higher recycling rates, 80-90% of their components can be recycled and reused in the economy as secondary raw materials (metals, precious metals, etc.).

Through this campaign, ECOTIC aims to promote the good practices of the European Union states and to inform the Romanian public about the solutions for the separate collection of electrical and electronic waste that are available to all: electronics and home appliances stores, municipal collection points and campaigns that ECOTIC carries out regularly, in rural and urban areas.

In this regard, ECOTIC will launch several collection campaigns in the following weeks in Muntenia, Transylvania and Moldova.

We are convinced that by promoting these examples of good practices in the field of collecting and recycling electric and electronic waste, we are contributing to the development of a new mentality and a responsible attitude of the Romanian citizens towards the environment ”, says Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.

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