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#flashinfo, 11 june. CCIFER in dialogue with the World Bank

On 11th June, CCIFER organized a new edition of Matinal Digital, a meeting dedicated to discussions on the response of the World Bank to the COVID crisis and the results of the rapport realized by the World Bank: Markets and People. Romania Economic Memorandum.

Our guest speakers were:

Tatiana PROSKURYAKOVA -  Country Manager for Romania and Hungary in the Europe and Central Asia Region, Banque Mondiale

Serge Gonvers, Board Members CCIFER

Moderator: Stefan POPESCU - Deputy Director for Public and Regulatory Affairs, Engie Romania 

The World Bank have been engaged in Romania over the 25 years in many fields. Last time we spoke, I told you of a structure analysis- The World Bank see 2 main potential drivers of growth:  competition and human capital.

Main ideas:

  • More productive companies are larger. Romania is still producing one of the best capital on the exports
  • There are challenges is Romania: It’s a huge contrast on the urban and rural regarding education in Romania and
  • Romania’s priorities should be: investing in innovation, skills and human capital
  • Every crisis is an opportunity- the actual crisis has revealed some structural sides on several fields
  • World Bank provides economic and technical expertise and assistance
  • The role of the World Bank in Romania is marginal in term of financing but the greatest contribution is to inform the public domain and provide advises
  • It is important that the private sector put pressure on the public authorities  for the continuity of policy and implementing in what was decided
  • There are many good projects developed by the Municipalities that are presented by the World Bank as good practices

How the World Bank responded to pandemic in Romania:

  • Romania has handled the pandemic very well, the immediate response was to introduce some essential measures
  • Romania has signed in 2018 a contract with the  World Bank for the catastrophe
  • Romania needs to invest in measures to restart the economy and protecting people and also to be mindful on the fiscal impact


  • World Bank proposed to the State to help to the reopening of schools in September and to digitalize
  • Uruguay – has the best preparation of pandemic because it implemented a program that moved the public education on a digital platform before long time ago. The first things the World Bank did was to contact the Ministry of Education in order to see the example of Uruguay
  • It’s impossible to cover the lack of education coming from high school and primary school
  • The focus will be on the young people or salaries on the private sector


Justice: World Bank has a program and is working with the Ministry of Justice in order to provide technical assistance for the next mouth when the justice will deal with cases based on the COVID-19 situation.


  • Romania has the same quality of infrastructure like Bosnia and Hertegovina
  • The World Bank has been trying to provide support to critical infrastructure in Romania
  • Some infrastructure projects continued also during these period

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