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Eugen Ursu, co-founder of Graphein, is passionate about the development of people from the teams he leads both in-house in Graphein, from the partner franchise teams, and of the collaborators interested in increasing their notoriety by participating in graphein talks events or shows. This YouTube channel was born out of Eugene's desire to learn something new every day, to meet with construction professionals and not only, to inspire other professionals or young people at the beginning of the road through their own experiences

The construction of a Digital Twin for each object on Earth involves the creation of a digital, dynamic replica of an object (building/installation, a campus, a city or a railway), which brings together design, construction and operational data in real time.

Graphein este determinată să contribuie la digitalizarea orașelor și eficientizarea construcțiilor inteligente din lume prin dezvoltarea continuă a sistemului de francize și a echipei sale de experți în scanare 3D, prelucrare date folosind licențe software care stau la baza conectării construcțiilor inteligente, permițând mai multe tipuri de afișare corespunzător fiecărei categorii de stakeholderi astfel încât aceștia să poată lua cele mai bune decizii pentru dezvoltarea orașelor într-un mod transparent, eficient și smart. Cu minim efort și maxim sustenabilitate.

Established in 2014, Graphein soon became the no. 1 of topography and scanning & 3D modeling services in the Romanian construction market, offering clients consultancy for integrating the information processed into collaborative BIM projects. The experience of the two Founders of Graphein has had its say and, after the business grows in an accelerated manner from year to year, the plans to expand the business also include the ambition to create opportunities for professionals who want to return to Romania and who can start a franchise model with already proven results.

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