Communication - Presse
HR SmART Conference
The world is changing, organizations are reinventing themselves, and functions are transforming while searching for flexible organizational models, capable of adapting “on the fly” to changes of all kinds. Agility or holocracy are the fashionable terms of any business talk nowadays. If we also add in factors such as the labor market crisis, 4 generations in any organization, with different profiles and needs, employee training, or even retraining to keep pace with technology, process digitalization, etc., we have a more comprehensive picture of the challenges that HR needs to face today. It definitely takes art and smarts for all this!
On October 30th, at the 15th edition of the HR Club National Conference – HR Smart Conference – we will be looking for answers (and solutions) to the following questions:
- How “SmART” is the HR Function in Romania?
- How “SmART” is your organization?
The two international guests of the current edition are: Yves Morieux - Senior Partner & Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group and Wilson Wong - Head of Insight and Futures, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD).
HR SmART Conference Agenda
10.00 – 11.15 Panel: “How SmART is the HR Function” cu Gabriel Matauan si Wilson Wong
Which is the structure of the HR function in the companies activating in Romania? Which are the most refined HR processes, the ones HR focused on most, and which are the ones that were overlooked? What is the distribution of professionals in the HR processes in organizations? Which is the career path of human resources professionals? Which are current challenges of the HR profession? How agile and how matura is the HR function in Romania? What is the positioning of the human resources function in our organizations?
Based on the results of 2 recent research studies, The State of the HR Function - HR Club study coordinated by Gabriel Matauan and People Profession Europe Report 2018 - CIPD & EAPM study coordinated by Wilson Wong, we will try to find answers to all these questions together with our 2 guests.
11:45 - 13:00 Yves Morieux Keynote speech: "Smart Simplicity - 6 Simple Rules"
The Boston Consulting Group defines as a complicated organization one that increases the organizational structure, the number of processes and procedures, metrics, scorecards, decision-making committees that the company imposes in order to cope with the complexity of the external business environment. Yves Morieux proposes another approach: Smart Simplicity - 6 simple and clever rules that provide at least minimal and sufficient solutions, critical context changes that cause employees to rationally adopt the desired behavior.
14:30 – 17:00 Wilson Wong Workshop: "Taking the Long-view: Introduction to Futures Thinking
This workshop is an introduction to futures and how that enables leaders to approach strategy development using futures techniques. This is especially useful where there are many unknowns and a longer-view is required. The workshop involves an opportunity to learn about two futures techniques and the application of futures to strategic workforce planning.
14:30 – 17:00 Marketplace: State of the ART HR Processes
In the age of technological evolution, of continual search for new business models, of demographic challenges, of labor crisis, of new workplace attitude, change is not only constant but also exponential in rhythm. Which are the HR processes that can sustain this unmatched dynamics in history? State of the ART HR Processes - Marketplace is the place where we have gathered examples of flexible, innovative HR processes from companies operating in Romania. An extraordinary opportunity to share best practices with professionals from other companies.
14:30 – 18:00 Yves Morieux Masterclass: "The Social Science in Smart Ways of Working"
HR leaders need new tools to contribute in the important role only them can play. In this master class, Yves Morieux will use case studies to describe the new tools needed by HR professionals and how they can use them, working with their teams and the organization. The session will help review in a practical way the state of the art in social and behavioral sciences and how HR practices can benefit from these results. Participants will receive as a gift Yves Morieux' book, "Six Simple Rules".
► When? October 30th, 2019; from 09:00 to 18:00
► Where? Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucuresti (No.1 Poligrafiei Bvd., Bucharest)
► Participation fee: 10% discount on HR Club non-member fees for CCIFER members. Please see below the 4 registration options -
► How to register? Please send an email to madalina.tanase(@)
Yves Morieux Senior Partner & Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group | Yves Morieux is a globally sought after advisor on corporate transformation, working with the CEOs and leadership teams of the most prominent companies around the world on their transformation efforts. A contributor to the development of organization theory relating to the structural and behavioralconditions for economic value creation and competitive advantage, he has advised more than 500 organizations across industries around the world. He joined BCG in 1995, has been based in Paris, Mumbai, Washington DC and is now in the firm's Dubai office. He leads the firm's global development of approaches at the intersection of strategy, structures and behaviors to help corporations simultaneously increase productivity and employees' satisfaction at work. A BCG Fellow, he leads the BCG Institute for Organization where he created BCG's new approach to the management of complexity for competitive advantage (Smart Simplicity®) summarized in his TED Talks totaling more than 5M views: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify and How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done. |
Wilson Wong Head of Insight and Futures, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) | Wilson leads the Institute futures and foresight capability. He has been involved in futures research since 2000 and a founding member of the London Chapter of the World Future Society. His most recent futures workforce study was The Future of Talent in Malaysia 2035 and is co-editor of Human Capital Management Standards by Kogan Page. He also represents the UK on human capital metrics at ISO/TC260 (HR Standards) and is independent Chair of the Human Capital Standards Committee and Deputy Chair of the Knowledge Management Standards Committee at the BSI. His career has spanned academia, corporate finance and national development policy. Wilson’s PhD in Economic Psychology (Behavioral Economics) was on opportunity recognition. He’s on the Editorial Board of HRDQ and IJHRDPPR and Advisory Boards at Nottingham Business School and the Work and Equality Institute. A member of the International Association of Applied Psychology and an Academic Fellow of the CIPD. |
Gabriel Matauan HR Director, IMSAT/Groupe SNEF | Gabriel Matawan is currently HR Director of IMSAT / Groupe SNEF. Over the last 20 years, he has been running the human resources function in Romania for several large industrial companies (Lafarge, RMGC, CRH) . In the 1990s he was the leader of two organizations focused on the development of managers and human resources, namely the Romanian Management Institute (1990-1993) and the International Management Foundation (1994-2000).In parallel, he continued his university career, taking courses at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance of the University of Bucharest, whose university lecturer he has been since 2000, and at the Academy of Economic Studies. He served for 10 years (1992-2002) as a member of the CEEMAN Board (Central and Eastern European Association of Management Development). |