Communication - Presse  •  Veille

LeBRIDGE – how to elevate your start up in 2021

CCIFER & La French Tech launch LeBridge 2021 - a new ecosystem dedicated to support local start-ups in their French and international development

Learn how we can help you scale your vision

LeBooster Bucharest, the business center of the French business community in Romania (The French Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Romania), is pleased to announce the collaboration with La French Tech in elevating #LeBridge into a tailor-made startup accelerator. Designed in order to bridge initiatives serving the same goal, LeBridge is a program designed to support 3 to 5 promising startups in their soft-landing process, in France and not only.

From learning expeditions, long term mentoring program to one-time advisory boards, LeBridge's ambition is to fuel the business growth of founders while boosting their self-determination in deciding the next scaling step; with the support and know how of the experts reunited in CCIFER and La French Tech, a unique ecosystem that brings together startups, but also investors, decision-makers and community builders.

Embrace disruption.

Join us for the kick-off event March 26, 2021!

The launching event gravitates around the program roadmap, our communities and network, the immersion in the French startup ecosystemcorporate pitches and workshops on the emergence of intellectual property as the new oil and funding.

Take a look at our agenda, we promise an enriching and lively event with top-notch speakers, such as:

  • Luiz Henrique do Amaral - President, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • Mario De Mezzo, General Director, ROMANIAN COPYRIGHT OFFICE (ORDA)
  • Thierry Debled, Adjunct Professor & International Section Director, CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STUDIES (CEIPI)
  • Serge Gonvers, Program Adviser LeBooster, Business Development Director GAC
  • Gregoire VIGROUX, President La French Tech Bucharest
  • Adriana Record, Program Founder, Executive Director CCIFER
  • Cristian Mihai Sadean – Innovation Mannager Societe Générale Global Solution Center
  • Diana Sava – Senior Project Manager Societe Générale Global Solution Center
  • Stefan POMPI MUSGOCIU, Specialist Business Development & Marketing, Bucharest Stock Exchange

Participation is free of charge. However, in order to attend the event, registration is mandatory at

About LeBooster Bucharest

Developed under the aegis of French Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Romania, LeBooster is peer2peer project review community, which enables entrepreneurs to access collective intelligence in order to put structure around business idea.


About La French Tech Bucharest:

Online hub of the French Tech scene based in the Bucharest region, bringing together companies, startups, investors, events and organizations

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