Communication - Presse



Our future is connected to its power to innovate. Nowdays, research outcomes lead to innovative products and services. In support of these, standards come into play as they speed the acces to market.

The conference Standards – support for innovation and research projects, is organised in the context of the european project BRIDGIT 2 – Bridge the Gap between Research, Innovation and Standardization Community, wherein ASRO participates alongside CEN and CENELEC and nine other national standardisation bodies from France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Italy, Danemark, Austria and Ireland. The project intends to create a long-term impact on the research and innovative community by using different tools, so that the research and innovation projects experience the benefits of standardization.

The event will be held at Athénée Palace Hilton hotel, Le Diplomate Ballroom, on the 11th of October, between 09:30-13:00.

The event will gather a large numer of research and innovative representatives, entrepreneurs, standardization national experts and other stakeholders, and will be an opportunity to find more about the projects that are taking place at national level on innovative fields, such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence;
  • 3D printing;
  • ELI-NP Project – Măgurele Laser;
  • Blockchain;
  • Detecting Rare-Earth Metals;
  • E-invoice.

For more detalied information about the agenda and the event speakers, access: www.ziuastandardiză


About ASRO

ASRO – National Standardization Body – is a national platform for development and adoption of European and international standards.

As part of a global standardization community, being a member of ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, ASRO plays an important role in making available a readily accessible platform required for a wider range of stakeholders regarding their participation in the standardization work. This can provide effective solution for competitive entreprises, enabling public policy objectives to be achieved, supporting certification and market surveillance and provides an effective mechanism for promoting consumer protection and social responsabilities.

Media contact: Public Relations ASRO, email: pr(@)



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