Formation: Remote Work for Managers
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
210 euro +TVA for the CCIFER members
240 euro+TVA CCIFER non-members
L'événement est terminé.
How to find new ways to foster collaboration, communication, interaction and focus, in a dispersed and physically distant context.
In 2020, as the world battled the pandemic, office-based employees switched to remote or hybrid working, causing a shift in how work is organized, delivered and appreciated. Leaders and teams went through very rapid changes, having to adapt almost overnight to fully remote work, amid social distancing and self-quarantine.
These ways of working were deployed at breakneck speed and on an unprecedented scale, and raised new challenges for leaders:
- How to maintain engagement, performance and development of newly virtual or hybrid teams?
- How to preserve cohesion, communication and execution in a highly uncertain context?
The biggest mistake you can make is to do everything the same way you did when you managed a local team. Catherine Mattiske, Leading Virtual Teams: Managing from a Distance During the Coronavirus, 2020
During this interactive workshop, we will discuss how to continue delivering as a team when established mechanisms no longer apply, and how to find new ways to foster collaboration, communication, interaction and focus, both immediately and in the longer term, in a dispersed and physically distant context.
The workshop is organized around three selected themes, presented as a series of short challenges / case studies:
- Managing self – the leader
- Managing the team
- Managing performance in remote settings.
Session 1: Leading virtual team- Managing self and managing the team
- Core virtual leadership model
- People development needs in virtual setting
- Building a common vision and delivering results.
Session 2: Driving performance - Managing performance in remote settings.
- Cohesion, communication, collaboration
- Driving projects remotely
- Learning and innovation.
Public: Managers and leaders who manage remote teams.
Date: 17-18 March 2021, Online
Fee: 210 euro +TVA for the CCIFER members
240 euro+TVA CCIFER non-members
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Formation: Remote Work for Managers
L'événement est terminé.