Yvon MOYSANCEO, Saint Germain Consulting

Yvon Moysan is CEO at Saint Germain Consulting, a consulting firm in digital marketing with an expertise in the banking and insurance industries. He graduated from Harvard and ESSEC Business School. He is the Founder & Academic Director of the Master in Digital Marketing & Innovation at IESEG School of Management, Lecturer in Digital Marketing at IESEG School of Management and member of IESEG Center for Marketing Analytics (ICMA).
Yvon Moysan started his career in 2000 as e-Business Product Manager at BNP PARIBAS-BANQUE Directe, he then joined HSBC France in 2003 as Commercial Banking e-Business Senior Manager. He moved to AXA worldwide headquarter in 2009 to lead the Multi-Channel worldwide project.
In 2011, he joined CSA Consulting to lead the Customer experience and Digital strategy business unit and in 2014 he started teaching at IESEG School of Management and founded Saint Germain Consulting.