MyFrenchFilmFestival, the online festival dedicated to French cinematography, returns to Romania

For the fourth year in a row, the movies from MyFrenchFilmFestival are available exclusively online on Orange TV Go, between the 19th of January and the 19th of February.

Already celebrating its eighth edition, MyFrenchFilmFestival is the first online French film festival available to the audience in Romania for free. The majority of the films presented in the festival can be easily accessed from the laptop, tablet or smartphone through Orange TV Go, and also through the website.

With 7 million views in 2017 in more than 200 territories, the festival includes a vast selection of feature and short films available on the online platform or through its partners.

The film selection

For 1 month, from the 19th of January to the 19th of February, French film enthusiasts in Romania will have access to the films registered in the official competition, but also to the movies screened during the festival. This way, the Romanian public will be able to enjoy 25 films, out of which 12 feature films and 13 short films.

From comedies, dramas or romantic movies to thrillers and classical films, the Romanian public will have the opportunity to enjoy a vast selection of films with both contemporary and general topics.

The films from the festival are available free of charge on the website or in the Orange TV Go app; the data traffic will be charged according to the internet service used. Moreover, those who will be accessing the platform and the Orange app will be able to watch the films with subtitles in Romanian.

The jury

The films registered in the competition will be evaluated by 5 internationally well-known directors alongside with the president of the jury, Paolo Sorrentino. As a director and a screenwriter, Paolo Sorrentino, who won the awards like the Oscars and Golden Globes, is famous for many movies and TV series, among which The Young Pope.

Besides these, there will be a jury consisting of 5 journalists and film critics who will also have a say in selecting the winners.

The prizes

At the end of the festival, the winners of the three prizes awarded within the festival will be announced:

The jury award – awarded by the 5 before mentioned directors.

The audience award – takes into account the votes received from the internet users from all over the world who access the online platform of the festival and express their preferences.

The international press award – awarded by a jury made out of journalists and film critics.

MyFrenchFilmFestiva is organized by Unifrance. In Romania, the festival is supported by Orange Romania and the French Institute.

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