Up România is a Great Place to Work
How Did the Romanian Subsidiary of the French Group Up Rank among the Companies that Employees Appreciate Most?
Truly successful companies are the ones who place at the core of their growth strategies consideration and care towards their employees, while making constant investments in the personal and professional development thereof. On a highly competitive labour market, irrespective of the field in which they operate, companies need to be able to show candidates that they can provide an environment where employees feel respected and appreciated, where they are given the due learning and promotion opportunities and where their needs are met, under dedicated programmes and fringe benefit schemes.
Cultivating a long-term relationship with employees is of the utmost importance to all companies, these investing increasingly more and more in employee loyalty. The outcomes are easy to spot: happier, better motivated and better performing employees, higher retention rates and a strong Employer brand, which can easily attract candidates. Furthermore, these efforts also translate into international recognition, by certifications such as Great Place to Work®.
What Does the Great Place to Work® Certification Mean?
The Great Place to Work® certification is granted to companies for the quality of their work environment and it confirms that the company having obtained it ranks among companies which enjoy the highest employee appreciation rates, in Europe and worldwide. For over 30 years, the Great Place to Work® research institute has surveyed over 100 million employees all over the world, giving managers feedbacks, real-time information and all the elements they need in order to reach informed decisions on their employees’ welfare.
The certification itself ascertains that the work environment and the organisational culture of a company are valued by its employees, who enjoy constant positive experiences at work.
Recently, Up Romania has obtained the Great Place to Work® recognition, given the over 90% satisfaction ratereported by company employees, who reviewed positively the following: care towards the others, cooperation, mutual respect of the right to privacy, fair and equal treatment, as well as cohesion among the ranks of the Up team.
A Team Operating as a Family, Well-Defined Values and Mission, To Name Just a Few of the Issues Judged as Being Appreciation-Worthy by the Up Romania Employees
Its team has always been one of most important strengths of Up Romania, as its support has always represented a priority for the company. It is for this very reason that all employees indicated in the Great Place to Work® questionnaire that they share the feeling that they are part of a family, that they feel free to take decision, that they communicate well with their colleagues and with the management board, that they are encouraged to innovate and to come up with new ideas. Furthermore, employees see Up as being an excellent work environment, given among others the genuine development and promotion opportunities provided, the adequate ratio between professional competence and financial satisfaction, the flexible working schedule, the relaxed atmosphere at work and the enjoyable offices. Another thing of the utmost importance for the employees has turned out to be the fact that the contribution brought by the company and by each of them, as employees, brings alog an improvement in the quality of other people’s lives.
None of these things would have been possible, had it not been for Up Romania having constantly implemented numerous internal programmes and initiatives, ranging from encouraging a highly collaborative climate to providing regular trainings, rewarding employees by an attractive fringe benefit package, focusing on internal collaboration and, last but not least, carrying out CSR activities.
Therefore, the Great Place to Work® certification is deemed by Up Romania to be a validation of all its efforts made in order to keep close motivated individuals, who love what they do. Individuals who, at their turn, through the actual services and products provided by Up Romania, strive to make a better work environment for all employees all over the world.
If you would like to know more about Up Romania, please visit our website: