
Information about the private pension from The Romanian Private Pension Funds Association

Asociatia pentru Pensiile Administrate Private din Romania launched together with CDR an information campaign on the current architecture of the pension system. The material is constructed from a neutral point of view and helps companies to inform their employees.

1) The amounts you contribute are your private property. The money saved in your personal private pension account is yours according to current laws, and this right is guranteed by the Romanian Constitution. From this perspective, these amounts are similar to a bank deposit. In case of an unwanted event, the amount saved in your Pillar 2 account are transmitted to/inherited by your descendants, as any other property you own.


2) Your private individual account is easily accesible, via Internet. If you do not know the fund you contribute to or how much money you have accumulated, you can do this at any time on Internet, by accesing the following adress:, here you will fill the contact form, and your pension fund will contact you directly. Afterwards, you can open an online account on your manager’s website, in order to check at any time the amount accumulated in your private pension account.

3) Continuous contributions over your active life are essential. Pillar 2 funds are complementary to the public pension system, in order to supplement the pension you will receive once you retire. The amounts will acumulate over your entire active life; that is why it is very important to have continuity over the period, so at the final of your career your pension to be relvant.

Unlike Pillar 2 funds, in the public pension system (the Pillar 1) the contributions you pay do not accumulate, but are redistributed to current retired people. Due to adverse demographic trends (lower and older Romanian population), only the public system, by himself, will not be able to face these challenges, as such, it is essential to continue developing a strong Pillar 2, able to supplement in a relevant way your state pension.

4) The amounts you contribute are prudently and transparently managed by professional staff. The amounts acumulated in the Pillar 2 system are manged acoording to strict legal requirements, with good results in the 10 years past since the system was launched. The performance of the Pillar 2 funds was noted and are certified by reputtable institutions like The Europeanan Commission, World Bank, IMF, OECD and others.

5) Pillar 2 Funds are safe. The legislation has many safety mechanisms to protect the money you accumulate in your personal account. By law, the private pension funds cannot go bankrupt, the assets are kept by a custodian bank authorized by The National Bank of Romania, and the investments in which your money can be invested are strictly regulated. When you retire, the total amount you will receive cannot be lower than the net contributions you paid to the fund. 


Useful links: – Webpage dedicated for the awareness campaign. – Romanian Private Pension Funds Association webpage – Frequent questions about pensions – Easy acces to webpages of every pension fund manager, where you can activate your online account. – Guarantees and legal provisions about the safeness of Pillar 2 funds. – Annual investment returns, calculated for the last 24 months since the date you choose. – Results presentation after 10 years of Pillar 2 funds. ]

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