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Societe Generale European Business Services donates 100.000 euros to the Association Daruieste Viata for fighting against COVID-19

Societe Generale European Business Services, part of the International Societe Generale Group, joins the fight against COVID-19 and donates 100,000 euros to the Association Daruieste Viata.

The association recently announced that all donations received from 11th of March will be redirected to support the efforts of the institutions that manage the current crises in order to strengthen the capacity of the Romanian medical system for prevention and treatment of patients.

The commitment of Societe Generale European Business Services consists of donating the sum of 100.000 euros towards the purchase of special equipment, with crucial importance in ensuring the adequate care for the infected persons, such as ventilation units, intensive care beds and other necessary equipment, as well as protective equipment for first-line medical personnel that will be donated later to quarantine and isolation centers, opened in different parts of the country.

We are facing an unprecedented situation and we are aware that it is our duty to join the efforts in managing the situation in Romania. At such times, a collective effort, responsibility and solidarity are needed to combat this dangerous virus. Thus, the decision to join the efforts of the Association Daruieste Viata came naturally because only together we can change the future for the better, said Matthieu Pasquier, CEO of SG EBS.

We stay at home, we are responsible, we are supportive, and we act accordingly - these are the words that characterize this period. I would emphasize solidarity and action. These are the things that characterize us, Daruieste Viata, and those who support us. We need to be supportive and go through this pandemic together - every involvement is huge, it can mean a saved life, said Carmen Uscatu, founder Daruieste Viata.

The medical system in Romania is not ready to manage this pandemic - we see what is happening in countries like Italy and France, which have completely different capabilities than we do, and we know what the realities of our system are, and we can estimate how much help and action is needed. We decided to get involved, along with our sponsors, in supporting hospitals precisely because we understand what the real need is. I believe that only by being supportive and involved will we be able to overcome this crisis, said Oana Gheorghiu, founder Daruieste Viata

Societe Generale European Business Services is a responsible employer and a supporter of many important causes in Romania and many disadvantaged communities. This year, the company started its first funding program, We Care Together, which will provide financial support to many causes and projects that support the professional integration through education of people with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds.

About Societe Generale European Business Services

Societe Generale European Business Services was founded in 2011 as a service center for Societe Generale Group. The company offers high quality professional services in various fields of activity for Group entities around the world: finance & accounting, procurement, human resources, IT and Know Your Customer.

In 2016, SG EBS received the award of excellence for the fastest growth during Romanian Outsourcing Awards, in 2018 obtained the SSC Company of the Year award at the Romanian Outsourcing and Share Services Awards Gala and in 2019 was awarded the Employer of the Awards Year and CSR initiative of the year, within the Business Service Forum organized by Outsourcing Today. Also in 2019, at the ABSL Awards Gala, SG EBS received the 1st Place Business Leader award in the Business Innovation category.                 

For more information please follow us onLinkedIn @socgen-com, on our Facebook page @societegeneraleEBS and our website

Contact person: Negrescu Laura, External Communication Specialist, email: laura-mihaela.negrescu(@), phone number: 0749 095 641.



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