
The Good Fund - A share / donation matters a lot!

We hear more and more the diagnosis of AUTISM in children. 1 in 54 children is affected by an autism spectrum disorder.

Autism means isolation, the inability to communicate or be part of society. With help and many years of specialized therapy, children have a chance to recover.

The period of isolation affected us all, especially the little ones. They did not have therapy programs - some of the children regressed, others were able to receive partial help through online programs.

The two Autism Voice recovery centers have opened after two months of temporary closure and we are happy to be able to help the children again, but we need support to continue.

We need donations to continue the free local recovery programs for children in the two centers and those from disadvantaged families, to purchase protective and disinfectant materials, work materials and toys, and to support free national programs for families with children with autism.

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Some of our children's stories can be read here -

The complete list with the necessary hygienic-sanitary products can be consulted here -

The full list of materials and toys we need can be found here -

Please help us not to abandon children with autism! Good cannot be postponed! For the little ones, "later" does not exist!

We thank our partners at Aura Ion Foundation for the opportunity to implement this campaign for children with autism!

Thank you for your support!




Nicoleta Orlea

Coordonator Dep. Fundraising

T: 0751 278 391

E: nicoleta.orlea(@) |

Str.Agricultori, nr 116A, Sector 2, Bucuresti



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