Managing Projects remotely Workshop – a practitioner’s perspective
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
230 euro+VAT/ pers. for the CCIFER members
240 euro+VAT/ pers. for the non-CCIFER members
L'événement est terminé.
Limited places! Negotiation tactics. Tools and process. Planning, steering and coordination in the hybrid work mode.
The benefits of remote work are numerous: among them, flexible schedule, the freedom to work from anywhere and more time to spend with friends and family. More than half of employees worldwide indicate that they would like to work from home at least three days per week. In parallel, companies embracing remote work report higher productivity and reduced overhead costs.
However, remote work brings a new set of challenges, especially with regards to project management. As a lot of employees in the service industry are connecting to their work from home, project management specialists are asking themselves the following questions:
- How to launch an energizing kick-off meeting?
- How to coordinate project work with multiple partners?
- How to keep the stakeholders and project team engaged and attentive? How to ensure fluent communication with them?
In this workshop, we will discuss situations and share tips about the project management method, tools and templates, applied in virtual or hybrid work setting.
In these two half-day sessions, participants will:
- Review the project planning process and templates, from scoping to WBS and resource planning - in remote setting.
- Experiment with digital tools suitable for remote project planning and execution.
- Evaluate best practices for leading remote teams, conducting virtual meetings and streamlining productivity.
Finally, we will share tips on how to establish trust and share and understand information, in virtual, remote or hybrid setting.
Agenda :
Day 1: March 31, 9h00 – 12h30
- Tools and process: We will study the most common project management templates: Project Charter, WBS, Resource plan and Gantt chart, in the context of hybrid or virtual work mode. We will share users’ best practices and list the pros and cons of most popular virtual collaboration tools.
- Case study – Part 1: what would you do as project manager of the initiative? A case study from insurance sector about the management of a complex transformation project.
Day 2: April 1st, 9h00 – 12h30
- Planning, steering and coordination in the hybrid work mode. How to manage activities and key project tasks such as: scoping, Kick off and work advancement meetings in the context of hybrid or remote work?
- Negotiation tactics and stakeholder management- How to prepare and conduct negotiations, especially when the interlocutor is only visible through a screen? We will conduct an interactive exercise that will enable the participants to understand the challenges and opportunities of communication and negotiation in the online mode.
Case study – Part 2: Managing an entrepreneurial project - in virtual setting. We will discuss the set up and development of a venture in online food delivery. What can entrepreneurial project management teach us about managing corporate projects?
For more information, please watch the video: https://assets.adobe.com/public/0cc307fa-1898-45a6-6d43-1a44a33eeae7
Participant's profile: Project managers, project leaders and employees who contribute to projects and act as project matter experts.
Duration: 2 Days (March 31-April 1st, 9h00-12h30)
Language: English
Fee: 230 euro+VAT/ pers for the CCIFER members
240 euro+VAT/ pers for the non-CCIFER members
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Managing Projects remotely Workshop – a practitioner’s perspective
L'événement est terminé.