
Pitching session with #BeAI startups

En ligne, par Zoom,

Limba :

Tarife : Participarea este gratuita.
Evenimentul se adreseaza membrilor CCIFER si Cluburilor Francofone de Afaceri.
Numai persoanele care se inscriu si primesc o confirmare de participare din partea CCIFER au acces la reuniune.


L'événement est terminé.

Check out #BEAI Europe's AI Pre-accelerator selected startups: RepsMate, WIYO & ZoomReport   

[Translate to Roumain:]

Who's pitching?

  • RepsMate - an AI & Data Analytics start-up that analyzes customer needs and behavior
  • WIYO- uses big data technology to analyze the profiles of professionals and international companies to provide the best matches for cooperation, knowledge sharing, business and recruitment opportunities, as well as local targeted meetings and events satellites
  • ZoomReport - a socio-economic data platform from public sources

Agenda per start-up:

  • 10' pitch deck
  • 20' Q&A and feedback

Please note that the event will take place in English. Once you have registered, you will receive a google invitation containing the ZOOM meeting ID.

As a notification to all participants of the event, this online session can be recorded and shared, only with members of our community. We treat the data responsibly, find out details about how it is processed and measures to protect privacy here. Confirmation of your participation in this event constitutes your agreement to any data processing.

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